Workplace Recognition …The Biggest Motivator

thumbs-up-01Employee Workplace recognition is something that all companies should incorporate into their normal professional functions. Whether it’s handing out an award or verbally expressing your gratitude (or a combination of the two), it will benefit your company in several different ways. You can read through some of our previous posts here at the Asap Awards Blog for more tips and advice on employee recognition programs.

Recognition is the single biggest motivator and driving force behind employees in the workplace. Companies who fail to recognize their employees may suffer from lower productivity, reduced morale and higher turnover rates, whereas companies that do recognize employees perform more efficiently. But how exactly does employee recognition benefit a company in the long run?

Can You Really Afford To Skip Employee Recognition?

Still skeptical regarding the benefits of employee recognition. Check out a list of some the top problems companies without a recognition program suffer from:

  • Lower customer service skills
  • More sick days
  • Greater chance of work-related injuries and accidents
  • Higher turnover rates
  • Lower productivity
  • Lower Morale
  • Creates discontent among employees
  • And more…

One For One Hundred

An info-graphic published at suggests that one minute of recognition translates into one hundred minutes of initiative in return. Under this formula, taking just five minutes out of your day to recognize employees would yield a whopping 500 minutes of initiative. This is a massive return that shouldn’t be overlooked, as it reinforces the importance of employee recognition in the workplace.

Creates a Positive Work Environment

Recognizing employees for all of their hard work and dedication is a simple way to create a more positive work environment. Whether you work in an office, industrial setting or move from site to site, it’s important to create a positive atmosphere where employees can perform their duties. This will naturally make the company run smoother while reducing the chance for human error.

How does employee recognition create a positive work environment? Among other things, it gives employees the initiative to continue pushing themselves on the job. When a worker who goes above and beyond the call of duty isn’t recognized by his or her boss, chances are they’ll resort back to doing the “bare minimum.” This, of course, is exactly what you don’t want to happen, so let employees know that you see and appreciate everything they’re doing.

The Bottom Line

Employee recognition is something that all companies should incorporate into their normal professional functions. Whether it’s handing out an award or verbally expressing your gratitude (or a combination of the two), it will benefit your company in several different ways. You can read through some of our previous posts here at the Asap Awards Blog for more tips and advice on employee recognition programs.

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