Daily Archives: January 22, 2014

Common Causes of Employee Dissatisfaction And How To Prevent It

Photoxpress_2324486In a recent study published by Kelly Services, the staffing agency found that nearly half of employees polled (48%) were unhappy at their current job. Kelly Services performs this same poll on roughly 120,000 workers each year to gauge overall sanctification levels. In 2012, the number of dissatisfied workers was slightly less at just 37%, but it’s since grown to a staggering 48%. Continue reading

How To Throw an Employee Appreciation Picnic

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATired of planning the same in-office employee appreciation events for your company month after month? Throwing the event during an outdoor picnic is a fun alternative that gives employees a break from the traditional workplace setting. Even if it’s located right outside the office, an employee appreciation picnic is simple but memorable activity that all workers are sure to love. For some tips on how to throw an employee appreciation picnic, keep reading. Continue reading