Daily Archives: June 2, 2014

Create Stronger Client Relationship With Engraved Crystal Gifts

Regardless of the company’s industry/niche, all clients love to receive gifts. There’s just something exciting and fun associated with free gifts, as it creates a sense of nostalgia that takes you back to your childhood days. But the type of the gift you decide to give will impact the client’s disposition towards you and your business. Continue reading

Leveraging The Power of Corporate Sales Awards

Photoxpress_2455582Do you run and/or manage a company that relies on customer sales? Every sales team will have its “ups” and its “downs,” but it’s important for teams to continue raising the bar. If a salesperson allows himself or herself to fall into a slump, it could negatively reflect against the entire company, bringing down its performance across the board. This can be prevented, however, by leveraging the power of corporate sales awards. Continue reading