How To Recognize Employees Through Social Media

Social media networking has exploded in terms of use and popularity. According to some estimates, over 25% of all internet activity in the US is spent on social media sites like Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn and Twitter. As a company executive, you can use this to your advantage by recognizing your employees through these platforms. Here we’ll go over some tips and tricks on how to use social media for employee recognition.

Why Employee Recognition Is Important


Nearly all businesses and companies will benefit from employee recognition. Showing employees who go above and beyond the call of duty that all of their hard work isn’t going unnoticed will encourage them and others to strive for excellence. Unfortunately, far too many company executives overlook the importance of this strategy, and as a result, their business suffers.

Employees want to know that their hard work is noticed and appreciated, and there’s no better way to accomplish this than by recognition. Whether it’s a trophy, award, social media post or all three, employee recognition is a key component in running a successful business.

Build a Strong Company Social Media Page

Before you can effective recognize employees through social media, you must first build a strong company page. Facebook is obviously the most frequently used platform for creating company pages; it’s easy to use, allows for deep customization, and customers/clients can find you through it. If you haven’t done so already, go ahead and set up a Facebook page for your company. Be sure to add a custom profile picture and cover page, preferably with your company logo included.

Once your company’s Facebook page is set up, you will then need to spread the word so others will “like” it. So, how are you supposed to get people to like your company’s Facebook page? There are a countless number of different ways to gain social media followers, such as sending out emails, linking to company’s Facebook page from their official website, word of mouth, and even liking other companies in the same industry.

How To Recognize Employees Through Social Media

By now you should have a strong social media account set up. As long as it’s complete with all of the pertinent information, you can use it to recognize some of your employees who excel in their job position. Before you start making posts about your employees on social media, though, there are a few things you should know. For starters, keep your posts professional. Remember, social media sites are open for the world to see, and your company page is essentially representing your company as a whole. Any posts you make should be G-rated and free of any controversial material.

Recognizing employees through social media is as simple as making a post saying “Congratulations Jerry on reaching this month’s sales goal!” Of course, you can also recognize employees for their length of time at the company, punctuality and work ethics. If you need a special gift to recognize ones achievements, you can always visit us at and shop for that perfect gift!