Start The New Year Off Right By Telling Employees ‘Thanks’

340561219_ae0132a7cd_zWith the new year upon us, there’s no better time than now for business owners to tell their employees thanks for the hard work. Something as simple as a face-to-face “keep up the good work!” can make a world of difference in morale and productivity, encouraging workers to put their best foot forward. To make the most of your employee recognition and appreciation efforts, however, we have some helpful tips to follow.

Act Now!

The start of the new year is all about setting goals, making this the perfect time for employers to recognize their workforce. Employees may already have a newfound sense of drive and determination to excel at their respective job position, but employers can further motivate their workforce through recognition and appreciation. The bottom line is that you should act now by recognizing your employees and everything they’ve done.

Personalized Rewards

Take your company’s employee recognition program to the next level by delivering personalized rewards to employees. Instead of giving out generic rewards, such as gift cards or t-shirts, perhaps you can order custom-engraved crystal awards featuring your company’s official logo and the recipient’s name. Employees respond more strongly to personalized rewards, as it holds greater meaning and sentimental value.


Here are some things to consider when choosing a personalized award:


  • Is it free-standing or does it hang it on the wall?
  • What material is it made of?
  • What type of engraving process is used in the award’s creation?
  • What size is the award?


Year-Long Recognition


While the start of the new year is arguably one of the best times for employee recognition, businesses can still benefit from engaging in this practice in the months to come. Don’t assume that employee recognition is only beneficial during the new year. Granted, it may hold greater influence, but showing appreciation to workers throughout the year will encourage them to work harder while promoting an all-around positive work environment.


Make 2015 a bright year by recognizing your employees with custom plaques and awards. It’s an effective, low-cost way for employers to show thanks. And when employees are rewarded by their peers, they’ll naturally want to go the extra mile.


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