How To Encourage Better Safety In The Workplace

SignMeasuring and tracking employee performance in the workplace is essential to the overall success of a the company. When performance is measured, company owners can recognize dedicated employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. Whether it’s a personalized crystal award or just a pat on the back, recognizing employee recognition will improve your company’s productivity and efficiency. But how exactly do companies measure employee performance in the workplace?


There are several different ways to measure employee performance in the workplace, one of which being quantity. If your company sells goods to either consumers or other businesses, then perhaps you should keep track of how many units your employees have sold. Of course, this same principle can also work for companies who sell/generate leads. The more leads an employee sells, the higher they’ll measure in terms of performance.


Another idea for measuring employee performance in the workplace is through a quality assessment. Does the employee place an emphasis on producing quality products or leads while? If so, their performance should be gauged higher than employees who simply ‘churn-and-burn’ to get the job done in less time. There’s a balance employees must find between quantity and quality to maximize their productivity.

Work Ethics

Work ethics can also be used to measure employee performance. Having a team of dedicated, hard-working employees who show up to the job on time each and every day will make your company run smoother. Pay attention to employees’ punctuality, attitude and professional enthusiasm. Using this measurement, you can motivate workers to improve their ethics through a recognition program.

With an employee performance monitoring plan on place, you’ll need to closely watch over your workers in the weeks and months to follow. Ideally, companies should incorporate all of the three previously mentioned elements into their performance monitoring plan. Rather gauging a worker’s performance solely on a single element, this will allow for a more accurate performance measurement. And remember, use a recognition program to reward employees who perform at the highest level in your company. The small investment it takes to purchase a personalized award is a smart business decision that will improve your company’s performance.

You can read more about measuring employee performance by checking out this document published by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. It’s a comprehensive 93-page guide which outlines everything from measuring employee performance to analyzing the data and taking action.

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