Tag Archives: acceptance speech

The Do’s and Don’ts of an Acceptable Speech

microphone-1Whether it’s for work performance, sports achievements, academics or anything else, receiving an award is an exciting time where you are recognized for your exceptional abilities. During this time, the spotlight will be cast down and you’ll likely be asked to give a short acceptance speech. The thought of talking into a microphone in front of an auditorium or theater full of people can be frightening, especially for those who aren’t used to it. The good news, however, is that it’ll be over before you know it. Keep reading and we’ll reveal some of the essential do’s and don’ts of an acceptable speech.

Give Thanks

The first thing you should do after walking up onto the podium is thank everyone who helped you achieve the award. Whether it’s a teacher, coach, family or a higher power, voice your thanks for the help they’ve given you. It’s a humble gesture that shows you aren’t selfish and that you appreciate everyone for helping you achieve your goal.

Keep It Short

Have you ever been forced to sit through a long, drawn out speech that seemed to drag on for ages? If you’ve been to an awards ceremony, you’ve probably sat through such a speech at one point or another. When you are up there in front of the microphone, try to keep your speech short, concise and to the point. There’s no need to ramble on about your future goals and everything you hope to accomplish after receiving the award.


To ensure your acceptable speech goes smoothly, spend some time practicing it in front of a mirror. Not only will this help with the words, but it’s also beneficial for overcoming stage fright. If you seem to lock up with anxiety and tension in front of a crowd, try to block everyone out and focus back to your speech. After practicing it a few times in front of a mirror, you should naturally memorize it with ease.

Avoid The “Napkin” Speech

I’m not sure who started the whole “napkin” speech thing, but it should be avoided. While writing notes down on a napkin or piece of paper is sure to help you remember, it also gives the impression that you didn’t prepare yourself. For this reason, we recommend that you take the time to memorize your speech beforehand so you don’t have to rely on a napkin to recite your acceptable speech.