Tag Archives: Recognition

encourage teamwork

4 Ways To Encourage Teamwork Among Employees

teamwork-2Promoting teamwork in the office or workplace offers several key benefits. For starters, employees will constantly help each other out to achieve the company’s larger goal. If a worker is slammed with assignments and unable to finish a certain task, another employee may give them a helping hand without asking. It’s teamwork such as this that raises the bar for successful companies. Keep reading to learn 4 ways to encourage better teamwork among employees. Continue reading

3 Tips To Motivate and Encourage Employees

employees-1When you are busy crunching numbers and trying to run a successful business, it’s easy to overlook your employees’ emotions and thoughts towards the company. This is an all-too-common mistake that many CEOs and owners make when running a company. The problem in doing so, however, is that all of the hard work and effort put forth by the employees goes unnoticed. If you want them to strive for excellence and really push their limits (which you should), you’ll need to keep them motivated.

Contrary to what some people may believe, motivation doesn’t come in the form of a weekly or bi-weekly paycheck. After all, your employees will likely get paid the same amount whether they push themselves or not. So, how are you supposed to keep them motivated without the use of a paycheck? Let’s take a look at three simple ways to motivate your employees.

#1 – Stress The Importance of Teamwork

No matter what industry or line of business your company is in, chances are it relies on teamwork to succeed. If one position ceases to exist, the rest will suffer as a direct result. You can help motive your employees to perform their tasks more efficiently by stressing the importance of teamwork. Employees want to feel like they are working for something larger than just themselves, and this is essentially the principle behind teamwork. When one person begins to work harder, the rest will follow in line.

#2 – Have Individual Discussions

Most companies have mandatory meetings where they force all of the employees to gather in a large room and watch some video or listen to a speech. These large meetings can be effective when done correctly, but a more rewarding and beneficial approach is to have individual discussions with each of your employees. Even if it’s only for a quick five minute session, it still shows that you appreciate their work enough to sit down and talk with them.

#3 – Set Goals

Lastly, you must set goals for your employees to strive for. Depending on how many different job positions there are, you may need to get creative when setting goals. For instance, you could set a goal of 50-100 leads per week for the sales team, and then set a different goal of 95% customer satisfaction from the customer service or tech support team. This way both sides of the business will have reasonable goals to try and accomplish at work.

Look At Lapel Pins As Employee Recognition Awards…

Employee recognition programs can be an important part of a steady, consistent workplace. People work more efficiently and are more happy when they feel appreciated, and there’s no better way to show your employees appreciation than with a recognition award, especially if personalized with an individual’s years served, their title or another distinguishing way of letting them know that their job is truly valued by the company.

Many award and recognition programs in companies today feature different levels of recognition. Some company base awards on hours committed to a certain project, while others offer awards based on the number of years an employee has been with the company. There are also safety awards for employees that maintain outstanding safety records for a given duration of time.

Whatever the company’s reason for starting an award and recognition program, one particular type of item stands out and has become one of the most popularly used recognition awards today. Those items are lapel pins. Lapel pins have been used for decades to reward and recognize important employees in businesses and corporations all over the world.

Employers such as restaurants have even started pin collecting programs where employees are encouraged to collect the pins they receive during their tenure with the company. Many employees are given and collect hundreds of different lapel pins throughout their careers. Many are highly cherished even into retirement.

Employees who receive lapel pins often admit that at first they might seem like a small thing, but in the end they become more important to them because of their meaning and the recognition they received just by being awarded that little pin for a job well done.

If you’re an employer looking for a great and unique way to reward your employees, be sure to take a look at lapel pins. They are a cost effective and valued method of establishing a long-term recognition program within any corporation, large or small.

Employee recognition awards can play a vital role in any successful business. Rewarding employees with employee recognition pins for a job well done can lead to increased productivity and happiness in the work place.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5660506